Workplace Wellness: Getting Started

Workplace Wellness: Getting Started

The following steps can help you develop a comprehensive model to support workplace wellness.

Obtain a champion
In order to change organizational culture it is important for the wellness and human resource professionals collaborate and gain the commitment of management for workplace wellness. There must also be support from employers at all levels, unions/ employee groups and any other key stakeholders.

Establish a workplace wellness committee with key decision makers
The workplace wellness committee is responsible for planning and steering wellness activities. The committee includes key decision makers, representatives of interest groups, and resource experts.

Conduct baseline assessment
It is important to know where you are starting from; the level of satisfaction at the workplace. In addition you need to know the wants and needs of the employees and what management is prepared to support. Baseline can be assessed with surveys, focus groups, and other methods of feedback.

Develop a workplace wellness plan
It is important to consider the findings of the baseline assessment. The plan should address issues related to the health practices, the physical and social environment and personal resources. Each component of the plan should have goals, objectives, partners, resources requirements, expected timelines and indictors for success.

Develop an implementation plan
This is a detailed work plan including program objectives, activities and evaluation methods. The implementation plan should be reviewed regularly to monitor progress and to make any necessary adjustments.

Develop an evaluation framework
This is created to guide the development, implementation and monitoring of the workplace wellness plan. It outlines activities, outputs and outcomes.

Implement the workplace wellness plan
Be sure to communicate and promote the programs and initiatives with employees and allow for employee feedback.

Generate an evaluation report
This will assist with describing lessons learned, successes, failures, and course correction. The activities carried out need to be evaluated against the goals and objectives initially set during the planning process.

Last Reviewed: December 2016

© 2016 Province of British Columbia. All rights reserved. May be reproduced in its entirety provided the source is acknowledged. This information is not meant to replace advice from your medical doctor or individual counselling with a health professional. It is intended for educational and informational purposes only.