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Check-ups and tests in the first trimester

Last Updated: September 19, 2024

Wondering what's involved in early visits to your doctor or midwife? Here's an overview of what to expect. Early pregnancy visits are usually the longest in duration. Your healthcare provider will record your detailed physical history, perform a physical examination and encourage you to take prenatal supplements.

What to expect

You can also expect to undergo a series of tests and check-ups, such as:

  • Pregnancy test
  • Detailed medical history including lifestyle factors, such as alcohol, drugs and tobacco, physical activity and nutrition
  • Complete checkup that includes:
    • Listening to your heart
    • Taking your blood pressure
    • Measuring your height and weight
    • Abdominal examination
    • Pelvic exam that may include a pap test or vaginal swab to inspect your cervix and check for infections
  • Blood tests:
    • To check complete blood count (includes hemoglobin and iron levels)
    • To confirm blood group, rh type, and antibody screen
    • To screen for the following STIs: HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia
    • To screen for hepatitis b surface antigen (HSAG)
  • To test for rubella (German measles) antibody prenatal genetic screening blood tests and/or special ultrasounds (optional)
    • Blood test done between 10 to 14 weeks to tell you the chance of your baby developing a genetic abnormality
  • Urine tests to check for any sugar, protein or urinary tract infections

Medical care during your first trimester

Early in your pregnancy, you can expect to visit your doctor or midwife every four to six weeks. Visits will become more frequent as your pregnancy progresses. During your first prenatal visit your doctor or midwife will ask you questions, such as:

  • When did your last regular menstrual period start?
  • When did you have your last Pap test?
  • What is your blood type?
  • Have you ever had a:
    • Miscarriage?
    • Stillbirth?
    • Live birth?
    • Forceps, breech, or caesarean birth?
  • Do you and your partner lead a high-risk lifestyle?
  • Do you have any medical conditions that may affect pregnancy?
  • Are you taking any medications?
  • Are you using any herbal remedies?
  • Have you or your partner had or have any sexually transmitted infections?
  • Have you had Rubella?
  • Have you had chicken pox?

Prenatal genetic screening

Prenatal genetic screening is an optional blood test available for all pregnant people in British Columbia. This screening indicates the chance of your baby having Down syndrome, trisomy 18 or an open neural tube defect. The earlier you see your healthcare provider, the more options you may have.

Keep in mind:

  • Most people who have a prenatal screen find that chances are low for these conditions.
  • Although some people will screen positive, most won’t have a baby with one of these conditions.
  • Prenatal screening detects most, but not all, babies with these conditions.
  • Sometimes prenatal screening detects other medical conditions in your baby.
  • No test detects every type of physical or mental condition.

For more information, talk to your healthcare provider or visit the BC Prenatal Genetic Screening Program website.