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Is My Toddler Ready for Toilet Learning?


a roll of toilet paper



Some children learn to use the toilet right away, but most toddlers take between two weeks and six months.

Before you start, make sure your toddler is ready.

The transition from diapers to the potty is such a huge step for a toddler - it's a way to assert independence and feel like a "big kid". Most children learn to use the toilet between 24 and 48 months of age, but staying dry all night often takes longer - sometimes up to age six or older.

Start toilet learning only when your toddler is ready. If you answer "yes" to most of the following questions, it's probably time to start:

  • Does your toddler stay dry for a few hours at a time or occasionally wake up dry from a nap?
  • Does your toddler show awareness when pooping and peeing? For example, does your toddler go into a corner or squat to have a bowel movement? Does your toddler comment on soiled diapers? 
  • Can your toddler follow simple directions, such as “Let’s go to the toilet”?
  • Is your toddler able to pull down pants and underwear independently?

Resources & Links:

HealthLink BC: Toilet Learning

Last Updated: August 9, 2013