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Vitamin D Supplements for Babies in Their First Year


baby in high chair being fed with spoon



Breast milk has almost all the nutrients a baby needs – but may not contain enough vitamin D.  

That’s why a supplement is recommended for breastfed, and partially breastfed babies up to 12 months of age. 

Vitamin D is important for the healthy development of bones and teeth. Adults get vitamin D from some foods and beverages. We also make it when direct sunlight touches our skin.

Babies should be protected from direct sunlight. And, here in Canada, even adults don’t get enough sun all year round to make the vitamin D we need.

Breastfed babies need a vitamin D supplement of 400 IU every day. It comes in a liquid form that babies take by mouth.
Formula-fed babies don’t need a supplement; it’s already added to their food. For more information on vitamin D, call Dietitian Services at HealthLink BC (8-1-1).

Links and Resources
HealthLink BC: Food Sources of Calcium and Vitamin D
HealthLink BC: Baby's First Foods

Last Updated: August 6, 2013