Content Map Terms

Feeding Your Baby

Breastfeeding/Chest feeding is recommended for infants and toddlers up to age 2. For the first six months of their lives, babies get all the nutrition they need through breastfeeding. Once a baby is around 6 months old, they are ready to have solid food. Your baby will begin to show interest in solid foods and your family’s eating behaviour. If your baby begins solid foods, you can continue to offer breast milk or formula. Babies who aren't breastfeeding will need a daily vitamin D supplement. Speak to your healthcare professional for more information.

Breastfeeding and Formula Feeding

Some babies are unwilling or unable to breastfeed. Speak with your healthcare provider before you try adding formula to your baby’s diet.

If you have concerns about your baby not wanting to stop feeding, or physical issues like cleft-palate that interfere with feeding, talk to your healthcare provider. Learn more:

Feeding and Weaning

Food Safety for Babies

Keep your baby safe and healthy during their first year. In this section, learn more about food and water safety for infants.

Last Updated: June 2021