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Babies' Language Development from 6-9 Months


mom and dad playing with baby on blanket outdoors



Between six and nine months, your baby will make distinct sounds. They won't be actual words, but they're still important as part of your baby's language development. Here's what else you can expect.

Language Milestones

Between six and nine months your baby will likely:

  • Say several sounds (ma, mu, da, di, ba) all in one breath.
  • Repeat sounds (da-da-da, ga-ga-ga).
  • Respond to some words, such as "Mommy," "Daddy" or "ball."
  • Turn to listen to familiar sounds, such as the telephone.
  • Look at you when you say her name.

Your baby may also recognize familiar words like "uh oh" or be able to show you a ball or wave goodbye when asked to do so.

Play and Activity

It's important to support and encourage your baby's budding language skills. Between six and nine months:

  • Talk to your baby whenever you can. This is how we learn language: "Let’s change your diaper," "Let’s find your doll." The baby needs to learn from your example.
  • Respond to your baby’s babbling sounds with the words he is trying to say.
  • Give names and labels to things that catch your baby’s attention.
  • Use simple sentences to talk about what each of you is doing: “We are looking at the cat,” or “Daddy is throwing the ball.”

Sign Language

Many community centres offer sign language classes for babies and parents, even when both child and parent are hearing. This is a fun way to communicate with your baby before he or she learns to talk. Remember - your baby understands many more words than can be demonstrated with movement or sounds.

Last Updated: January 25, 2018