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Give: Find Fulfillment in Helping Others


Five ways to well-being: Give



We feel good when we contribute to other people and our community. Helping, sharing, giving and team-oriented behaviours contribute to self-worth and positive feelings.

Do something nice for a friend or for a stranger. Thank someone. Smile. Volunteer your time. Join a community group. Look outward as well as inward. Seeing yourself, and your happiness, linked to the wider community can be rewarding and will create connections with the people around you.

People who give time and energy to others can have higher levels of wellness and happiness. This doesn’t mean giving money. It can be more rewarding to get involved in projects that need your time and energy or pitching in to do what you can.

Actions you can take:

  • Give a compliment - acknowledge what someone in your life has done well.

    Five ways to well-being: Give
  • Join a community clean-up day - this could be a local river, beach or park - or a tree planting project with friends or family.
  • Donate household items and clothes you don’t need to a local charity.
  • Take opportunities to support and advocate for groups, friends, family or neighbours in need.
  • Offer to help a neighbor or friend with their to-do list.
  • Organize or promote random acts of kindness days at school, work or when you're out with a group.
  • Look at what you are good at doing and what you enjoy, and offer to share those skills to help others.
  • Help with fundraisers, social events and community events.
Adapted from the New Economics Foundation Five Ways to Wellbeing Project

More Five Ways to Well-being Articles

Connect: Build Positive Relationships
Be Active: Move to Feel Good
Notice: Savour the Moment
Keep Learning: Open Your Mind

Last Updated: September 30, 2016