Children and Teens' Health

Children and Teens' Health


As kids get older, they develop a whole new set of health care needs and concerns. Children may decide they don't want to eat broccoli anymore. Teens might become curious about topics such as bullying or you may need to find out when they should get their HPV vaccine.

This section is designed for both teens, and parents of children and teens, to learn more about topics affecting the health and well-being of children and teens.

Featured Topics

Keeping Kids Healthy and Safe

These topics contain valuable information and tips about common health and safety concerns for parents of children between birth and 5 years old.

Healthy Eating: Helping Your Child Learn Healthy Eating Habits

Eating healthy foods is important for the whole family. Learn how to help your child build healthy habits that can last a lifetime.

Growth and Development

Learn how your child will grow and develop through each stage of life.

Hand Washing for Parents and Children

Learn proper hand-washing techniques and tips to help you teach your kids about washing their hands properly.

Your Baby's Immune System and Vaccines

Vaccines are an important way to protect your child from certain diseases. Learn more about how vaccines work and why it is important to get each shot on time.

The Benefits of Immunizing Your Child

Immunizing your child can help protect them from diseases that can cause serious illness and even death. Find out more about the benefits of immunization.

Childhood Vaccines are Safe

Concerned about the possible side effects of childhood vaccines? Learn more about vaccine safety.

Immunization Schedule

Immunizations are important for people of all ages. Learn more to help you decide when you and your family need to be immunized.

A Better Immunization Experience for Your Child

Being prepared in advance can help make getting a vaccine or shot an easier experience for you and your child. Find out more about how to prepare and what to expect when your child has his or her shots.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine

The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is given to girls and women who are 9 to 26 years of age. It helps protect against 2 types of HPV virus that cause most cervical cancers and 2 types of HPV that cause most genital warts.


Bullying is acting in ways that scare or harm another person. Learn how you or your child can help avoid bullying.

Food Allergies

Food allergies are becoming more common. Learn more about food allergies and the impact they can have in a group setting.

Useful Websites

Childhood Obesity Foundation

The Childhood Obesity Foundation promotes healthy weights in children and youth by encouraging and supporting healthy eating and active lifestyles.

Immunize BC

Immunization can save lives. Learn more about common vaccines, who should get them, and why it is so important to get all of your shots on time.