193 results found
Health topics
… Bacterial Infections of the Spine On this page: Overview Overview Bacterial infections of the spine are rare but can include infection of: The discs … the site of infectious arthritis. Bacteria that infect the spine usually originate in other parts of the body and are …
Medical tests
… Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the Spine On this page: Test Overview Health Tools Why It Is … and pulses of radio wave energy to make pictures of the spine. In many cases, an MRI gives different information … of the body more clearly. The MRI can find changes in the spine and in other tissues. It also can find problems such …
Medical tests
… Computed Tomography (CT) Scan of the Spine On this page: Test Overview Why It Is Done How To … A CT scan uses X-rays to make detailed pictures of the spine and vertebrae . During the test, you will lie on a … the scanning machine can tilt to follow the curve of your spine. All of the pictures are saved as a group on a …
Health topics
… Proper Back Posture (Neutral Spine) On this page: Overview Overview … back has three natural front-to-back curves that give the spine an "S" shape. Too much curve (swayback) or too little … back has three natural front-to-back curves that give the spine an "S" shape. Too much curve (swayback) or too little …
Health topics
… making the muscles of your trunk stronger to keep your spine and body stable. This helps you stay balanced when you … helps move air in and out of your lungs. Find your neutral spine . This is a posture that maintains the three normal curves in your spine—one in your neck, one in your upper back, and one in …
Medical tests
… Information Test Overview Spinal X-rays are pictures of the spine. They may be taken to find injuries or diseases that affect the discs or joints in your spine. These problems may include spinal fractures, … Spinal X-rays are also done to check the curve of your spine ( scoliosis ) or for spinal defects. The spine is …
Health topics
… the spinal nerve roots caused by age-related changes in the spine. It also is done to treat other conditions, such as injuries to the spine, herniated discs , or tumours. In many cases, reducing … be done at the same time to help stabilize sections of the spine . Spinal fusion is major surgery, usually lasting …
Health topics
… disc herniation? The bones (vertebrae) that form the spine in your back are cushioned by round, flat discs. When … discs are healthy, they act as shock absorbers for the spine and keep the spine flexible. If they become damaged, they may bulge …
Health topics
… What is scoliosis? Scoliosis is an abnormal curve in the spine. The spine curves from side to side in an "S" or "C" shape rather than being straight. The spine also may be twisted. What causes it? In most cases, …
Health topics
… Information Overview Doctors use X-ray images of a person's spine to measure spinal curvature. A curve or angle of the spine is measured in degrees and describes how severe the … projected from the top and bottom of the curve.) If the spine is straight, there is no angle; this would be a …