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196 results found
… This medication is given as a continuous infusion into the small intestine using an infusion pump. It is given throughout the … it is given through a tube through the nose into the small intestine. After a few days, if the doctor decides …
Medical tests
… through your esophagus, stomach, and the first part of the small intestine ( duodenum ) on a video screen. Several X-ray … are taken at different times and from different views. A small bowel follow-through may be done right away after this …
Health topics
… obstruction? A bowel obstruction happens when either your small or large intestine is partly or completely blocked. The blockage … These are called mechanical obstructions . In the small intestine, scar tissue is most often the cause. Other …
Health topics
… response that isn't normal. This damages the inside of your small intestine so that it can't do a good job of absorbing … uses a thin, lighted tube to look at the inside of your small intestine. Your doctor can also take small samples of …
Health topics
… Surgery Overview In proctocolectomy, the large intestine and rectum are removed, leaving the lower end of the small intestine (the ileum). The doctor sews the anus closed and makes a small opening called a stoma in the skin of the lower belly. …
Health topics
… ulcerative colitis . The doctor removes all of the large intestine (colon) and the diseased lining of the rectum. … lining of the rectum is removed, and the lower end of the small intestine (the ileum) is attached to the opening of … Inflammation of the ileal pouch (pouchitis) Blockage of the small intestine (small bowel obstruction) Pelvic infection …
Health topics
… need to make big, lifelong changes in how you eat—including smaller portions and different foods. Regular exercise is … areas. Restrictive: This type of surgery makes the stomach smaller. It limits the amount of food the stomach can hold. Malabsorptive: This surgery changes the path of the intestine. Food goes around (or bypasses) part of the …
Medical tests
… test is done to help diagnose problems that prevent the small intestine from absorbing nutrients in food. D-xylose is … that holds about 4 L (1 gal) . The container has a small amount of preservative in it. Urinate into a small, …
Health topics
… It does this in two ways. First, it makes the stomach smaller. Second, it changes the connection between the stomach and the intestines. These changes help you eat less and feel full … This procedure can be done in two ways: By making several small cuts and using small tools and a camera to guide the …
Medical tests
… This includes the stomach, liver, spleen, and large and small intestines. It also includes the diaphragm, which is the … The pictures made by the X-rays show that the stomach, small and large bowel, liver, spleen, kidneys, and bladder …