27 results found
Health topics
… to muscle, joints, and organs. Clotting factor concentrate Plasma factor concentrate is made from human plasma . The plasma is processed to separate the clotting factors from …
Health topics
… or immune globulin) is a substance made from human blood plasma. The plasma, processed from donated human blood, contains … your body uses antibodies from other people's blood plasma to help prevent illness. And even though …
Medical tests
… You have type A blood. The liquid portion of your blood (plasma) has antibodies that attack type B blood. About 42 … (A+) blood. The B antigen. You have type B blood. Your plasma has antibodies that attack type A blood. About 9 out … Neither the A nor B antigen. You have type O blood. Your plasma has antibodies that attack both type A and type B …
Health topics
… fever, night sweats, diarrhea, and other symptoms. Mycoplasma , which can cause pneumonia. Varicella-zoster virus, … to help them breathe. In the hospital, you may get a plasma exchange or intravenous immune globulin (IVIG) . In a plasma exchange, blood is taken out of your body. The …
… with certain other treatments for this disorder (plasma exchange, immune suppressing medication). In aTTP, … at least 15 minutes before a certain blood procedure (plasma exchange). After the first plasma exchange procedure, you should receive another dose …
Health topics
… The only treatment available for the lack of the protein is plasma containing alpha-1 antitrypsin. This is usually given … than avoiding smoke and other lung-damaging chemicals. The plasma is made from the blood of many donors and is treated … chance of spreading an infectious disease. You receive the plasma through an IV , usually every 3 to 4 weeks for life. …
Health topics
… and unexplained weight loss. A random blood sugar (plasma glucose) test can be done at any time. It doesn't … equal to or greater than 7.0 mmol/L. A fasting blood sugar (plasma glucose) test is done after you don't eat or drink … and unexplained weight loss. A random blood sugar (plasma glucose) test can be done at any time. It doesn't …
Health topics
… given medicine or a transfusion of parts of blood, such as plasma. These are given through an IV. You will be closely … given medicine or a transfusion of parts of blood, such as plasma. These are given through an IV. You will be closely …
Health topics
… as chronic lymphocytic leukemia and non-Hodgkin lymphoma . Plasma disorders, such as multiple myeloma . Bone marrow … as chronic lymphocytic leukemia and non-Hodgkin lymphoma . Plasma disorders, such as multiple myeloma . Bone marrow …
Health topics
… blood. The other products are made from screened blood or plasma and undergo purification that destroys any harmful … blood. The other products are made from screened blood or plasma and undergo purification that destroys any harmful …