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Health topics
Jaundice in Newborns (Hyperbilirubinemia) On this page: … Basics Conditions Basics What is jaundice in newborns? Jaundice is a yellow tint to a newborn's skin and the white …
Health topics
… For more information, see the topic Birthmarks . What about jaundice? Many newborn babies have a yellow tint to their skin and the whites of their eyes. This is called jaundice. In newborns, jaundice usually goes away on its own within a week and does …
Health topics
… your skin and the whites of your eyes to turn yellow ( jaundice ). Lyme disease , which causes reactions from a … A new yellow tint to the skin can be a symptom of jaundice . Jaundice occurs when levels of a substance called bilirubin …
Health topics
… type of brain damage that occurs in a newborn with severe jaundice . It happens when a substance in the blood, called … brain damage. Kernicterus may be prevented by treating jaundice early before it gets severe. What causes it? … buildup of bilirubin is normal. This is called mild jaundice, and it gives a newborn a slightly yellowish tint …
Medical tests
… are high, the skin and whites of the eyes may look yellow (jaundice). Jaundice may be caused by liver disease ( hepatitis ), blood … bile to pass from the liver to the small intestine . Mild jaundice in newborns usually doesn't cause problems. But too …
Health topics
… red blood cells. This can cause the baby to have anemia, jaundice, or more serious problems ( Rh disease ). The … some babies need a blood transfusion or treatment for jaundice. For severe anemia, a baby can have a blood … Information Ectopic Pregnancy Iron Deficiency Anemia Jaundice in Newborns (Hyperbilirubinemia) Miscarriage Molar …
Health topics
… These diseases may include congenital heart disease, jaundice, and genetic diseases, like sickle cell disease and … to be in pain while urinating, call your doctor. Newborn jaundice. Many babies get jaundice (also called hyperbilirubinemia) in their first few …
Medical tests
… pain in the upper belly, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes jaundice. Check to see how well treatment for liver disease is working. Find out if jaundice was caused by a blood disorder or liver disease. … pain in the upper belly, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes jaundice. Check to see how well treatment for liver disease …
Health topics
… has been removed. If gallstones block a duct, you may get jaundice . Jaundice makes your skin and the whites of your eyes yellow. … infection of the gallbladder, bile ducts, or pancreas. Jaundice and other symptoms caused by blockage of the common …
Medical tests
… pain in the upper belly, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes jaundice. Check for bone problems (sometimes found on … such as hepatitis , blockage of the bile ducts (obstructive jaundice), gallstones , cirrhosis , liver cancer, or cancer … pain in the upper belly, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes jaundice. Check for bone problems (sometimes found on …